Thursday, 29 November 2007

Author's Note

I can only offer my profound apology to readers, for subjecting them to yet another ‘eve of the ball’ instalment! I had thought I could do it in one – but there’s just too much to ‘get in’. I hadn’t thought it properly through, and there’s the truth of it. It being one of the penalties of the blog-method of telling a story, that things don’t always happen as quickly, or in the kind of orderly sequence that one would wish.

And for those readers for whom the story of Jack Macauley’s Milly may not be entirely clear, I can only suggest that the latter part of the instalment dated 05/27- 06/03, “A Little Tale of Long Ago” may assist in shedding the necessary light


rilly super said...

I shouldn't think any of your readers will think you have anything to apologise for beatrice. what you think is the disadvantage of your blog experiment is in fact whatmakes it different and alive. I do intend to catch up, even if reading backwards but that doesn't matter; your installments are like those stolen moments sitting by the fire with a brandy. All to rare for me lately so all the more relished when I get the chance

I Beatrice said...

Rilly, how absolutely super (sorry about that, couldn't resist it) to hear from you again! I had supposed you gone for good. We all had. I even left a sad little song (a very bad little sad little song!) to that effect somewhere on your own blog. But I'm not sure it ever saw the light of day...

Are you back for good - or just for a quick visit?

aims said...

I totally agree with Rilly here dear B....don't apologise! You have nothing to apologise for. You have taken blogging to a new level - a more sophisticated level at be proud of it!